September 2, 2016 by shozib Cities 3

I’m as proud of many of the things we haven’t done as the things we have done.

Steve Jobs
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Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality and emotion of the subject. The excitement and anticipation as we waited to see the next piece of unpredictable chaos was electric. These straps are all hand-made from our two good friends in Saigon, who are leather-makers, singers, and entrepreneurs.

There is no “perfect” camera for street photography. Don’t fall into GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)

  • Learn the story behind the “Henri”
  • The making of Haptic Industries
  • The Henri Strap by Eric
  • Josh White – First Impressions
  • Henri Strap by Eric Kim

If you want a small, compact, and affordable camera for street photography, I recommend the Ricoh GR II (read my review here).

Often searching out the graphical symmetry in chaos, while still maintaining the personality and emotion of the subject. The excitement and anticipation as we waited to see the next piece of unpredictable chaos was electric. These straps are all hand-made from our two good friends in Saigon, who are leather-makers, singers, and entrepreneurs.

3 comments on this post

  1. Mark Wilson

    September 16, 2016

    What a fantastic design! I really like the colors and simplicity. I can’t wait to dig deep and start using this theme.

  2. Eddie Stone

    September 16, 2016

    This theme is amazing, I mean from coding all the way to design. Such creativity is backed with so many options and elegance! You can create awesome blog with this theme!

  3. gt3demo

    September 16, 2016

    Thanks a lot for your kind words!